Tuesday, February 21, 2012

KRAFT foods, like any other well-known corporate company is active on many social media outlets- the main ones being Facebook and Twitter.  The KRAFT foods Facebook page has just over 35,000 followers and the Twitter page has just over 30,000 followers.  This is probably because more people have Facebook than Twitter but the numbers are still pretty close.    
Social media has become a legitimate revolution and more than just a source of information.  It has become a way of life for fans of many different companies, products, and brands.  PR people live and breathe social media constantly receiving updates about the experiences and updates (both good and bad) of companies and people.

KRAFT foods is doing a fantastic job of utilizing social media outlets.  KRAFT foods has two main Facebook pages.  One is KRAFT foods- Corporate and the other is KRAFT foods- Recipes and Tips.  Here are the links, check them both out!
In addition, they also have a corporate Twitter page.
What I found really funny and shocking was that KRAFT mac and cheese has its own Twitter page with over 4,000 followers as well as Oreo Cookies (made by KRAFT foods) with over 21,000 followers!  These two products combined from KRAFT foods have more followers than some low-end celebrities.  And I thought having 71 followers was a big deal and an achievement…maybe I should turn into a KRAFT foods product instead!!!
I really like the consistency KRAFT foods is doing here.  Having a uniformity (in relation to the corporation) on Facebook and Twitter shows that they utilize both outlets for two similar purposes- yet have the ability to reach different outlets of people (for example, maybe someone only has a Facebook account and not a Twitter account or vice versa).  As a Marketing minor, I often view purchases from the consumer’s perspective.  Some things I like to focus on are quality of products, reputation of the brand name, and how responsive the company is to consumer’s needs.  By having both a Facebook and Twitter page, I feel as though KRAFT foods allow consumers to voice their opinions and share their experiences of using their products.  This is especially great if consumer’s have suggestions or issues with KRAFT foods’ products because if KRAFT foods was unaware of suggestions or issues, consumer’s may be more likely to stray away from their loyalty to the brand. 

I like how the KRAFT foods Corporate Facebook page has different side tabs about who they are as a company, who their team is, and what their responsibility is.  It shows a professional side of the company that made me feel as though they are a strong brand.  In addition, I love how their Twitter page consists of tweets responding to what consumers are saying about their products or issues.  It is great to see a company that is responsive to its valued consumers.
The main suggestion I have for KRAFT foods is to be more active on Youtube.  Yeah, people can read updates and statuses on Facebook and Twitter but people are more engaged when they are watching something.
This is the KRAFT foods Youtube homepage…
If YOU can TUBE, you can cook!

It has close to 16,000 followers (the least among other media outlets) and mainly consists of just tips and recipes.  I think it would be beneficial if they gave more of a background about the corporate aspects in a few short Youtube videos that are informative and interesting to watch!

If I were the PR person for KRAFT foods, I would create a few Youtube videos that go behind the scenes of KRAFT foods manufacturing warehouses and see just how the products are created and packaged.  As a lover of the Food Network show “Unwrapped” they unwrap how certain products are made and I think if consumer’s were able to go behind the scenes of how their favorite American foods (such as mac n cheese and Oreos) are made they would even be more interested and excited about the products.

Also, I would do more live tweeting sessions where consumers could tweet questions for a half hour and have immediate responses.  This could be every Sunday night at 7 creating and driving more traffic to the KRAFT foods Twitter page and an increased number of followers. 

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